April 25, 2024


Art Is Experience

A boy for Smile Breakfast’s Lindy Lehto

Smile Breakfast co-host Lindy Lehto and her husband, Peter, have formally welcomed their newborn boy into the entire world.

“We are so happy, blessed, and grateful to announce the birth of our son Sebastian Kai Lehto. He has right away captured our hearts and modified our world. We are so in enjoy!” reported Lindy.

Born on 7 September 2021, weighing 3.4kg, the very pleased moms and dads couldn’t have been a lot more psyched for his arrival. “I cannot believe that our son is at last right here everyday living is about to get a minimal more chaotic and a ton much more joyful! We’re over the moon and extremely enthusiastic to last but not least have Sebastian in the entire world,” explained Peter. 

“We are so fired up to welcome Sebastian to the Smile 90.4FM spouse and children. We can’t wait to fulfill him and want Lindy and Peter all the joy as they enjoy this specific time,” mentioned Programme Supervisor Naveen Singh. 


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