April 25, 2024


Art Is Experience

Filming of Friends reunion will finally start next week

The cast of the hit TV show 'Friends' in 1996.

The cast of the hit Tv present ‘Friends’ in 1996.

The substantially-anticipated Close friends reunion will lastly start filming up coming 7 days.

The unscripted special has been pushed back many situations due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In accordance to Deadline, filming for the HBO Max reunion present will get put in Los Angeles and attribute Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc.

The present will movie on the Tv hit’s unique soundstage, Phase 24, on the Warner Bros. Studio great deal in Burbank.

In an job interview with the BBC discuss present host Graham Norton, David Schwimmer revealed that the special would be unscripted and that the actors won’t essentially be in character.

He explained: “There is one part of it that I really do not want to give away, but we all read through anything.”

(Supply: Deadline)

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