April 19, 2024


Art Is Experience

Lee Thompson’s explosive Bachelor SA tell-all book to release in April 2021

Lee Thompson set to release a tell-all book (Photo: Supplied/Mnet)

Lee Thompson set to release a tell-all book (Photo: Supplied/Mnet)

In a new book titled The Truth Behind The Rose, Lee Thompson will be addressing the “good times as well the deception, manipulation and lies” that he experienced during filming of The Bachelor SA

Previously speaking to Channel24, Lee said appearing on The Bachelor SA took a huge toll on his mental health

“I’ll be speaking about some of the women in the book as well and putting a lot of the false rumours making rounds to bed. It will also reveal the mental health issues it’s caused me and how I’ve overcome them. My book will lift this huge weight off my shoulders, which I’ve been carrying around for some time now,” he tells Channel24.

In an Instagram post, Lee announced that the book would be released in April 2021. 

“You got to experience the edited version of my #LoveJourney on TV. Now experience my version of the journey through my book, The Truth Behind The Rose,” he writes.  

ALSO READ | 3 explosive The Bachelor SA behind-the-scenes confessions from Lee Thompson


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