April 25, 2024


Art Is Experience

Memorial and funeral service details for Kuli Roberts

Kuli Roberts.

Kuli Roberts.

Image: Daniel Born/Gallo Visuals

South African journalist, actor, and author – Kuli Roberts – died on Wednesday evening in Johannesburg. She was 49. 

A shut mate revealed to Town Press that Kuli collapsed on the established of her new display. “She arrived on established all-around 19:00, wherever they were filming with other artists. She collapsed,” the pal explained to Metropolis Press.

Invited shut friends and media will get for a special memorial in celebration of her daily life on Wednesday. The memorial will be dwell-streamed.

A funeral provider for the beloved public determine will acquire position at a non-public ceremony in Johannesburg this week. The assistance will also be reside-streamed.


Day: Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Time: 10:00

Are living-stream url


Day: Thursday, 17 February 2022

Time: 9:00 

Are living-stream url TBC

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