April 23, 2024


Art Is Experience

Netflix releases trailer for Addison Rae’s film debut He’s All That

Tanner Buchanan and Addison Rae in He's All That.

Tanner Buchanan and Addison Rae in He is All That.

Photograph: Kevin Estrada/Netflix

Netflix has released the trailer for its gender-swapped reimagining of the popular 1999 comedy She’s All That, which starred Rachel Leigh Prepare dinner and Freddy Prinze Jr.

True-lifetime TikTok influencer Addison Rae plays teenager social media influencer Padgett in He is All That.

With some tweaks, the plot follows the authentic film. Right after a humiliating on-camera break up goes viral, Padgett makes a dangerous wager to conserve her popularity: She swears she can flip scruffy delinquent Cameron (Tanner Buchanan) into prom king materials. But items get intricate when she finds herself slipping for him IRL.

Laney Boggs, I imply Rachel, plays Padgett’s mom. Also making an visual appeal in the movie is Addison’s bestie, Kourtney Kardashian.

Watch THE TRAILER Listed here:

He is All That premieres on the streaming assistance on Friday, 27 August.

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