April 24, 2024


Art Is Experience

Tiffany Haddish arrested for DUI

Tiffany Haddish

Tiffany Haddish

Photograph: Emma McIntyre/Getty Photos

Actor and comedian Tiffany Haddish was arrested in the early hrs of Friday early morning for driving underneath the influence, in accordance to reports.

Law enforcement in Ga responded to a 911 phone about a driver asleep at the wheel. 

“Even though en route, an officer noticed a car or truck matching the description and eventually conducted a visitors quit as the motor vehicle pulled into the garden of a residence.” Georgia’s Peachtree Police Section chief of law enforcement, Matt Myers, advised E! Information

Tiffany was afterwards arrested for driving under the influence and transported to the Fayette County Jail. 

The comedian was only in law enforcement custody for a few several hours ahead of publishing bail of $1 666 (R25 000), TMZ reports.

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