April 24, 2024


Art Is Experience

WATCH | Diane Keaton takes the lead in Justin Bieber’s new music video

Justin Bieber, Diane Keaton

Justin Bieber, Diane Keaton&#13

Photo: YouTube/Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber enlisted the support of American actor Diane Keaton for his most recent audio video clip.

The singer dropped the video for his track Ghost on Friday, with Diane as his major girl – but it can be not what you imagine.

In the video clip, the 1st Wives Club star performs a grieving widow.

Justin embarks on a journey to cheer her up, investing time alongside one another as they come to conditions with the decline of their liked one.

“AM I DREAMING??? WHAT AN HONOR IT WAS TO Operate WITH JUSTIN BIEBER AND HIS Incredible Staff!!! [sic]” Diane wrote, sharing the news on Instagram.

Watch the movie down below:


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