May 2, 2024


Art Is Experience

What it Takes to Become an Ideal Poet

Maybe you might have been writing poetry for fun, or perhaps you have times where you write some good poetry – which might have made you wonder about things like, “Do I have what it takes to become a poet?”

And if you have thought of that, your next step might have been going around asking people to read your work and tell you if having a poet’s career is in the cards for you – but really, that is not the only way you can honestly figure out the answer you are in search of. Instead, consider what experts like Pramod Rajput have to say about it. 

As a highly acclaimed Indian novelist, poet, and software architect, Pramod Rajput is one of the few who knows what it’s like to be a part of the writing industry and make a name for yourself. 

Initially, Pramod worked as a software engineer in the Reliance Group before moving to Cyprus in 2000. And even though he had worked in multinational corporations for more than two decades, he felt that there was something else in store for him – something more that he was meant to do in his life. 

In pursuing his passion, he turned to his college days when he would spend his days away writing Urdu and Hindi poetry. Consequently, that led him to approach a career as a poet. His expertise mainly lies in romance, happiness, motivation, pain, and much more. He created his Youtube channel ‘Kuchh Meri Kalam Se,’ allowing him to start making his poetry public and for everyone to see. 

He also published his first book, “Aa Jee Lein Zara” – a collection of 100 ghazals and nazms in 2019, where the book was presented to Governor Ganga Prasad at Raj Bhawan. And as an expert in the field, Pramod has worked with several other writers. Some of them make it, while others figure out quite quickly that they are not meant to go for a writing career. 

Pramod thinks it is essential that one must first understand if they have what it takes to be a poet before changing everything in their life to pursue that career. And to help you figure out whether you have those writing skills just waiting to create phenomenal poems for the world to read, here are a few signs that can assist you in making the final decision on your career choice. 

Writing Habits 

You do not need to write every day to be a poet – but writing frequently does give you the edge. According to many veterans in the industry, writing and rewriting are essential to becoming a successful poet and even a writer. 

Happily Doing the Research 

Sometimes, poets like to add references to favorite things from myths and legends so that it adds more value and depth to their poems. And for that, you will need to constantly research a lot for whatever you hope to add to your poems to create the ideal reference. Researching can make all the difference in your writing, so if that is something you enjoy, then you just make a name for yourself. 

Willing to Get Better and Not Give Up 

Being a poet requires a lot of patience and concentration, and if you do not have the drive for that, you will never be able to make it far in your career. If you are willing to read more, improve your craft, handle critiques and learn through them, you have the tenacity to become the next best poet we have yet to see.