May 2, 2024


Art Is Experience

Levelling Up Your Filmmaking Skills

5 Easy Ways to Level Up Your Filmmaking By Yourself | Stareable Blog

If you are a film fanatic, we bet that you might have invested a lot of your time trying to make your own movies and short films, to see what level you are at and figuring out how to get better. 

Fortunately, you have come to the right place. Many filmmakers are always on a quest to improve; whenever they find themselves lacking in some way to make their films replicate their visions, they start looking for ways to improve their current skill level. And that is where we come in. 

Learning is a process that never stops and that goes the same when it comes to filmmaking. You will always find a new technique somewhere along the years of your career as a filmmaker and upon using these techniques, you get one step ahead then the rest and eventually make your way to the top. 

To help you find what skills you need, we reached out to existing professional filmmakers in the industry – such as Michael Lovan. 

Known as an exceptional American filmmaker, Michael Lovan has created a number of visual works during his professional years – one of his best works includes his popular debut feature film, ‘Murder Bury Win.’ 

Lovan is also a revered screenwriter, director, producer, singer, and actor. He has co-written and starred in the 2014 romantic comedy called “A Reunion” and was the Art Director behind many music videos such as “Lampshades on Fire”, “The Ground Walks With Time” and many more. 

Moreover, he has been given several awards for his work that include the Best Original Screenplay in the Florence Film Awards and the Winner Gold Awards for the Best Director of Hollywood Gold Awards. 

Being a professional filmmaker has allowed Lovan to hone his skills continuously throughout the course of his professional career. Naturally we approached him to get further insight on the matter and came up with a number of ways to level up your filmmaking skills. 

Making the Most Out of Your Gear 

As filmmakers, we can all admit that we have spent years drooling over some of the most expensive gear to aid in our filmmaking visions. But until the time we can afford that, we focus on what we have and the best way to boost production value is to attempt to achieve the best with what we already have. 

This step requires research – you can find videos on YouTube where people go in depth explanation on how to use certain filmmaking equipment and it’s possible you will end up learning something new about your equipment. The second step is to keep practising with your equipment till it feels like an extension of your body. The better you know how to use it, the more use you can make out of it until the end. 

Expanding Artistic Horizons 

Sometimes you need to get out of the filmmaking realm and look into other artistic practices to figure out what you are looking for. 

You can choose to study a different art form such as poetry, directing theatre, playing the classical guitar, etc. Having such experiences can fuel you with inspiration and new ideas that will ultimately help you in enhancing your creative freedom in ways you have never imagined.