April 27, 2024


Art Is Experience

Miss Universe to be hosted in Hollywood in May

Zozibini Tunzi (Photo: Getty)

Zozibini Tunzi (Image: Getty)

The host town for the 69th edition of Pass up Universe has been declared and will see South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi crown her successor.  

The extended hold out is finally above – this year’s competition is heading to Hollywood and will air live from the Seminole Tricky Rock Lodge & Casino on 16 May perhaps at 20:00 ET (seventeen May perhaps at three:00 SAST).

Sharing the remarkable information on Instagram, Pass up Universe South Africa Natasha Joubert wrote: “So prepared to proudly state my title on the greatest stage in the Universe! South Africa, are you prepared?”

Earlier speaking to Channel24, Natasha said, though she doesn’t have a host region desire, she is maintaining fingers crossed that the United States would host this year’s pageant. 

“It is the lucky charm! Demi-Leigh gained in Las Vegas, and Zozibini took the Pass up Universe title in Atlanta,” she said.

Because staying declared as South Africa’s agent, Natasha has jumped to the top rated of the winner prediction leaderboards. Could we secure a back again-to-back again gain in 2021? 

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