April 29, 2024


Art Is Experience

Relebogile Mabotja reveals baby’s gender

Relebogile Mabotja (Photo: Supplied/Primedia)

Relebogile Mabotja (Image: Equipped/Primedia)

Relebogile Mabotja is anticipating a child boy.

The radio temperament, who is anticipating her very first youngster, shared the thrilling information with her followers on social media on Monday.

“34,” adopted by the child emoji, Relebogile captioned several shots from the gender reveal, which demonstrates her releasing a blue-colored smoke bomb.

On Twitter, the mother-to-be confirmed that she was 34 months expecting.

“We make Kings,” replied Minnie Dlamini in the feedback area of the article. Minnie, also a very first-time mother, welcomed a son in November.

Other superstars to congratulate Relebogile included Enhle Mbali, Rami Chuene, and before long-to-be mother-of-a few, Jennifer Bala


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